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How-To Guides
Lockouts Explained
Ineffective Control
The aim of ineffective control is to detect when the Pro Controller is not able to control. With the Ineffective control lockout enabled, when the Pro Controller doses 15 times in any of the measurement types (EC, temperature and pH) and it hasn’t measured any change (0.1EC, 0.1pH or 1 °C) in the correct direction, the Pro Controller enters ineffective control lockout. This stops dosing for the affected measurement types, and enters an alarm condition.
Possible reasons for ineffective control are;
- The system has run out of nutrients or pH adjuster
- The tubes have been knocked out of the nutrient or pH adjuster bottles
- The tubes coming from the pumps have been knocked out of the reservoir/tank
- The on time and off time are incorrect
- The probes are measuring the wrong solution
- Control is set in the wrong direction
- The heater/AC unit is unplugged/switched off
Low Conductivity Lockout
The aim of the low conductivity lockout it to detect when the conductivity probe is not in solution. This could be due to the probe being knocked out of the reservoir or sample pot, or because the solution level is lower than the probe.
If the conductivity is measured at less than 0.2 EC dosing of both nutrient and pH is locked out, and an alarm condition is triggered.