How to get the most out of History Reporting

History now gives you the ability to save your frequently viewed set of filters as a Favorite to allow for quick loading.

This article provides information on the following: 

Loading your first History graph 

Access History by selecting A box with a bookmark

Description automatically generated with medium confidence from the navigation bar or selecting History in the navigation drawer. 

Select the Create new button below which will open the filter options. Select a Device(s) from the Select Device dropdown menu, select a Telemetry(ies) from the Select Telemetry dropdown menu and select a Duration from the Duration dropdown menu. Once you have made your filter selections select Load Data to load the graph. 

Note: History graphs are limited to 10 telemetry lines. 

Once your graph has loaded you can toggle the visible telemetry on/off via the legend. When two or less telemetry types are displayed then the corresponding y-axis will be shown.

You can change/apply new filters by selecting the filter icon to open the filters.

To apply any changes you need to select Load Data. Each time new set of filters is loaded they will be recorded in the Recents section of History on the previous screen. 


Saving a History graph as a Favorite 

Once a History graph has been loaded it can be saved as a Favorite by opening the graph menu and selecting Save new favorite. Enter a title in the pop box to be able to save to favorites. 

Loading a Favourite or Recent graph 

Return to the Favorites and Recent list by either selecting the back arrow or History in the navigation. 

Under Favorites you will see, any filter sets that you have saved as a Favorite. Under Recents you will see any filter sets that have recently been loaded. Recent filter sets can also be saved as a Favorite by selecting the star icon and providing a title for the filter set. 

A screenshot of a phone

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Updating a Favorite History graph 

A Favorite History graph can be updated by loading the graph and then altering the selected filters. To do this load the graph then select the filters icon to bring up the filter selection. Changes the filter and select Load data. Once the graph has loaded, open the graph menu, and select Update favorite. Confirm the title to save changes.  

Changing filters of a loaded favorite can also be saved as a new Favorite by selecting Save new favorite from the graph menu and providing a Title. 


Deleting a Favorite graph 

To delete a Favorite either select the red rubbish bin or load the favorite and select Remove from favorites in the Graph menu. 

.                 A screenshot of a phone

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Exporting Data 

Data can be export from Edenic as a CSV file. To do this load your desired graph, open the Graph Menu and select Export to CSV.