Create custom reference points for moisture levels
As growing medium ages, it compacts and changes. That's why we recommend calibrating your Pulse Meter to the moisture levels of your specific growing medium. This way, you'll get more reliable measurements for your crops.
Bluelab uses maximum water holding capacity (WHC) to set reference points. WHC is typically found by watering a plant until it starts draining then letting it freely drain for an hour.
Read more about maximum water holding capacity.
Calibrate your Pulse to moisture levels in two steps:
Note: Calibration only affects the moisture measurement, and will not influence conductivity (EC).
1. Prepare your plants
Before you calibrate, you'll need to saturate your plants to the maximum water holding capacity.
- Select a good representative sample of all your plants. Choose plants that are of similar age and condition. This has to be a minimum of 2 plants, but can be up to 5 plants.
- Make sure your plants can free drain, then fill the plants with water until they are saturated.
- Let the pots free drain for at least 1 hour. You are now ready to calibrate your Pulse Meter to maximum water capacity.
Tip: To know when your plants have reached saturation, watch for the water starting to rest on the surface of your pot.
2. Calibrate your Pulse meter and app
Once your plants have been saturated to maximum water holding capacity, you're now ready to configure the measurements.
1. Open the Pulse app on your phone, then click on the menu button (three lines) in the top left corner of the Pulse app. Tap on Calibrated Media. (Here, you'll be able to see any previous calibrations.)
2. To add a new calibration, tap the + button in the bottom-right corner. You’ll be given some helpful information about different root zones. Select Next until you are asked to name your calibration. Give your calibration a helpful name.
3. Next, you’ll be prompted to select your base medium. Select from Mixed medium or Mixed medium (coir) and tap Next.
5. Follow the prompts in the app to take measurements by pressing the button on the Pulse Meter from each sample at the depth you will normally be measuring. Keep taking measurements until you see success messages. When you have taken enough measurements, the app will prompt you to tap Next to check the calibration.
7. Measure each plant three times to get a green or orange success window every time.
Tip: A red "poor" notification means the measurements aren't close enough to your original measurements you took when first creating the calibration. If you continually get a red poor measurement screen, consider restarting the calibration process by clicking "Restart calibration".
8. Once you are happy with the calibration, tap Save, and it will land in your list of calibrated media in your "Configure" screen.
9. Navigate to the "Configure" screen for your Pulse. Select your custom calibration from the calibrated media list and then select the "Send to Pulse" button. A success message should then show to indicate that the Pulse unit is now using your custom calibration for moisture content.
Read more on Pulse
How to configure Pulse to medium type, nutrient range and moisture range
How to take a good measurement with the Pulse Meter
Connectivity troubleshooting guide for the Pulse Meter and app
FAQ for the Pulse Meter and app
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